Promoting the integrity & knowledge of Forensic Alcohol Toxicology
Founded in September 2016 and based in Houston, Texas, Cheney Forensic Consulting provides consulting, training, and expert testimony to the forensic and legal communities on three areas of focus: general forensic procedures, analysis of forensic evidence for ethanol and other volatiles, and ethanol-related toxicology. In doing so, the company aims to promote the understanding of the science, as well as the ethical and quality considerations, associated with the three areas of focus.
Cheney Forensic Consulting is eager to work with any and all members of the legal and forensic communities, including defense attorneys, civil attorneys, prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, and forensic laboratories. The three major consulting services for attorneys and prosecutors are the review of documentation, including discovery order material, expert testimony, and retrograde extrapolation. Group or individual trainings are provided and includes seminars and courses required for continuing education credits.
Rooted in science, ethics, integrity, and quality, the mission of Cheney Forensic Consulting is to promote these core values into the forensic and legal communities through consulting, training, and expert testimony.
Call or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether the services offered at Cheney Forensic Consulting are right for you.
Documentation Review
Documentation for a DWI case can be complex and encompass hundreds of pages. Often, documentation comes in the form of a Discovery Order packet. Documentation reviews are provided to help attorneys understand the material and minimize an attorney's time commitment.
Whether for attorneys, prosecutors, or forensic laboratories, training is tailored to provide topic-specific knowledge. Topics include documentation review, laboratory practice, forensic procedures, volatile analysis, and expert testimony. Training is a great way to achieve continuing education credits.
Expert Testimony
From volatile analysis to the multitude of experts testifying in court, every DWI case is different. In combination with Documentation Review, expert court testimony helps address any case-related concerns, as well as evaluate the testimony of other forensic toxicology experts.
Method Development and Validation
Developing a method and validating an instrument for analysis of ethanol and other volatiles is a lengthy but necessary part of any forensic toxicology program. Having an up-to-date validated method and instrument eliminates scientific merit criticism and substantiates the results.
Retrograde Extrapolation
Since Texas is a time of driving state, retrograde extrapolation is necessary to establish whether an individual was above, below, or at the per se limit of 0.08 grams/100 milliliters of blood at the time of driving. Given the facts of a case, a case-specific extrapolation will be rendered.
There are many questions that arise during a DWI trial and many procedures and methods that must be supported within a laboratory. Answering these questions in a court of law or creating laboratory procedures and methods is accomplished by using peer-reviewed and published articles or textbooks.
“There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.”
Let's Chat.
Use the form below to contact me regarding your consulting or training inquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. You may also call me to discuss your inquiry or to make an appointment. My general response time is one business day.