Consulting, Training, and Expert Testimony


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Many thanks!

April 20-21, 2017, marked the first Blood Ethanol Analysis using Headspace Gas Chromatography Introductory Course, a sponsored collaboration with the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) and Tyler Flood and Andrea Podlesney of Texas Forensic Analytics. A total of 15 HCCLA attorneys attended the course, which provided them with the following: 1) evidence submission, accessioning, and chain of custody, 2) an introduction into the theory of headspace gas chromatography, fate and effects of ethanol in the human body, and retrograde extrapolation, 3) hands-on experience pipetting and preparing individual headspace vials, 4) creating a sequence, loading headspace vials onto the autosampler, starting a batch sequence, and analyzing the resulting data, and 5) live blood draw and standard field sobriety tests.

HCCLA, Tyler, Andrea, attorneys who attended, and everyone else who helped with the course, a big and sincere thank you for helping make this course possible and a success!